Our Programs

Green Ray Coaching - environment - training room with sign saying green ray coaching training in progressHow It Works

Our programs for pro-environmental behaviour coaching centre around our unique five stage approach:

  • Raise awareness of current environmental behaviour
  • Explore why it’s hard to change
  • Help delegates see it differently
  • Give delegates the tools to do things differently
  • Build peer support to embed new behaviours

Engage Staff

If your business has a pro-environmental stance and is looking for ways to engage staff in your environmental policy, a series of one day tailored programs may be all it takes.

Introduce & Cascade Behaviours

But, if your business is looking to introduce pro-environmental behaviours, Green Ray Coaching can help identify, create and cascade those behaviours throughout your organization.

Unique To Your Business

No two programs we run are the same. That’s because every business is unique. We start  working with you by listening to what you’d like to achieve and then we design a program to suit the needs, challenges and budget of your organization. All of our work is dynamic, fun and effective. We give delegates a direct experience of the impact of their behaviour on the environment. And, because everyone only does what makes sense to them, delegates discover their own meaningful reasons to adopt environmental behaviours in your business.